Functional Health Coaching

FDN stands for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®. It is a comprehensive, lab assessment based approach used to identify malfunctions and dysfunctions in the metabolism that are preventing a person from living their best life.

That’s a lot of words… what does this mean for you?

When I learn someone is being plagued by a health complaint, I want to try to get an idea of WHY. The way I work is different from a doctor, who is trained to diagnose and treat a specific symptom of a disease. The FDN approach requires running a series of functional lab assessments, most of them in your own home, to identify and address as many opportunities for healing as possible. As these healing opportunities are identified, you will be taught how to build back your health by boosting your body’s innate healing abilities.  I know this method works because it worked for me and my family.  Please read our story to find out more.  

Objective: Complimentary 15 Minute Intro Call

This is a 15-minute intro call to meet and see if I can help you meet your health goals! If you need to discuss labs or come up with a wellness plan, please contact me to arrange for an In Depth Consultation.

*Follow up coaching and messaging is not included with this option. One per house hold please.

Objective: In Depth Consult – $250

Are you a self healer that has hit a plateau on your health care journey? A highly motivated person who is dealing with poor health and need a little extra guidance? After you fill out a detailed intake form, we will set up a time to discuss how making adjustments to your lifestyle with stress reduction, supplements, and more can help you live your best life! This is a 60 minute in depth consultation and will start your deep dive into improving your health. We can also review bloodwork or other lab work that you already have (limit 3 labs). Do you need bloodwork, an Organic Acids Test, a DUTCH Hormone Test, or another functional lab? I can help with that too. This is a great way to discover how I work and determine if we will be a good “fit”. *Follow up coaching and messaging is not included with this option. ** Fees are partially deductible from Health Coaching package if purchased within 60 days. Due to the nature of the service and product, all sales are final.


Objective: Calm Your Chaos™ – Health Coaching

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Did you find mold in your house? Dealing with mystery symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, insomnia, poor gut health, hormonal imbalances, or something else? Ready to be finished with jumping into the wrong rabbit holes of guessing what supplements to take and foods to eat? Want to work your way through a thorough metabolic detox but want the help and support from an experienced practitioner? The Calm Your Chaos™ Health Coaching package will help you learn how to take care of yourself by learning what your body really needs, all based on lab assessments carefully selected to help you get things back into balance.

Learn what the “best diet” is, how to promote better rest, what kind of exercise your body needs, how to reduce environmental stressors, techniques to deal with emotional stressors, plus which supplements will best support your unique body based on labs selected to help you meet your health Objective.  You can stop the madness of being stuck in the cycle of simply treating symptoms based on hunches or isolated lab tests and gain a better overall picture of what is going on (or off) metabolically.  This program provides things to learn and things to read, you will be opting in to the best kind of self care plan, gaining knowledge and confidence in addition to better health. 

Four month Health Coaching plan for $2,000 that includes:

  • Bi-monthly sessions to develop a personalized wellness plan, review labs, and follow up sessions to teach you new skills and habits that will help you stay calm and on track,
  • Complimentary metabolic typing for diet optimization if indicated, 
  • Plus messaging support between sessions for the duration of your program.  
  • Lab work available at discounted costs AND 20% off practitioner grade supplements from my Fullscript dispensary.  

Due to the nature of the service and product, all sales are final.

Objective: Peer Consult

Are you a medical professional, health coach, mold inspector or home inspector that is wondering if environmental toxins are the root cause of your client’s struggles? We can help, please contact us for more details.

Some of the Labs I Use…

OAT (Organic Acids Test)

This functional lab assessment offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with 76 markers.  It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria, plus markers for vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, and oxalates.

DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones)

This functional lab assessment is a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. The DUTCH complete also looks at melatonin and oxidative stress. It assesses many things more accurately than blood / serum testing.


Get to the root cause of your anxiety, ADHD and other mental health struggles with the Mental M.A.P. ™, the most comprehensive and reliable test designed to detect neuro inflammation.

Vibrant Wellness Labs

Vibrant Wellness Labs provide a unique look at food, environmental toxicities and infections.  If you’ve ever wondered if you are sensitive to gluten and dairy, have mold illness, heavy metal toxicity, tick borne illness, or other health concerns there is a Vibrant Wellness lab that will likely help get to the bottom of things.  Bundle discounts on multiple labs may be available, and there is also access through the Wellness Plus by Dr. Jess membership.  


This functional lab assessment is a comprehensive stool test that uses quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested in the stool. Yes, this checks your poop. And yes, this is VERY important.


Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair.  It helps identify deficiencies and potential excesses long before they show up in blood / serum tests.  

MRT Food Sensitivities

The MRT is the most comprehensive lab assessment for food sensitivities. Avoiding foods you are sensitive to while healing from environmental toxicities can speed healing for many people since it reduces inflammation caused by foods that you are sensitive to.

More labs will be added soon!