The Objective Directive

This will be our space to educate you about environmental toxins and how they can impact health.  You will learn how we work, general tips and tricks, plus discover products that we have tried … some of them work, and some …. maybe not so much.  

Please follow along on Instagram and feel free to leave a comment here or there with what you would like to see in The Objective Directive and we will add it to our growing list to write about! 

Welcome to The Objective Directive

How we deal with our struggles can either make us stronger or break us down.  Asking for help does not mean we are weak.


Why Functional Diagnostic Nutrition 

I chose to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner because I like to test and not guess!

figure running

Why do you run so many functional health labs?

Being able to run multiple lab assessments means I get a lot of data about your metabolic health.


Is There a Fungus Among Us?  The Organic Acids and Mycotox Test

The Great Plains Lab OAT and Mycotox tests provide a wealth of information and a big bang for your buck!

mold on wall

EMMA and ERMI and Mold Plates, Oh My!

The tests you run can affect how you deal with your mold.


DUTCH and Such… a Look at Hormones

Hormone health is vital to overall health.

figure sits on a toilet

GI Map … The Scoop on Poop

Stool testing can tell a lot about your overall wellness.

Why You Need a Pro to Get the Down Low

ERMI and EMMA DIY mold tests give a lot of great info, but it is only part of the story! Pro interpretation is vital to understand what you’re working with.

Virtual Mold Inspections

Virtual Mold Inspections can help save time and money, plus remove a lot of the guesswork out of a potentially stressful situation!

Learn More About Deb

How could I be so sick even though I was eating all the right foods, taking all the best supplements, and using all the healthy hacks?

Learn More About Kit

I used to think it was ok to bleach mold and that EMF were just letters in the alphabet. Then I found Building Biology.