About Kit

My name is Kit Brucker and I am a serial home remodeler. The nastier the house, the more excited I got about digging into all the projects to restore it to the beautiful building I knew it could be. I wish I knew when I started that all of my passion projects could be making my READ MORE

About Deb

I was sick. Really sick. I didn’t look sick though. Friends thought I was just tired and a bit overweight, which didn’t make a lot of sense because I ate “better” than anyone and took TONS of supplements. I had spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get better and many times barely got READ MORE

DUTCH and Such… A Look at Hormones

One of the labs I use to assess a person’s overall health is the DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones).  It is very easy to do and gives me a lot of data to evaluate.  It assesses your cortisol and cortisol pattern, your DHEA, estrogen and how you metabolize it, testosterone, progesterone (for women), READ MORE

GI Map … The Scoop On Poop

“Wait… you want me to WHAT?!?” This is the most common response when I introduce a client to stool testing.  Yes, it is a little gross and weird.  But, it is the most effective way to examine your gut for many common pathogens, bacteria, H-Pylori, microbes, and parasites.  Some of it belongs there, most of READ MORE