I was sick. Really sick. I didn’t look sick though. Friends thought I was just tired and a bit overweight, which didn’t make a lot of sense because I ate “better” than anyone and took TONS of supplements. I had spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get better and many times barely got any lasting relief from my symptoms, at best I might get a few initial improvements on a new protocol with a new practitioner, but I never really felt good. And the diagnoses… there were so many diagnoses… a new one with each new practitioner. I didn’t start to get healthier until I abandoned trying to treat each symptom / diagnosis and instead addressed my body as the whole unit that it is, building my health and vitality after identifying where my metabolism was in a state of chaos. There was a lot of chaos. I was either diagnosed with or suspected to have so so many health problems. Adrenal Fatigue. Estrogen Dominance. Endometriosis? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and then pre-cancerous growths. Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos). Or is it Hyperthyroidism? Hypertension… then POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) with some arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation just for fun. Sleep apnea and insomnia. Tinnitus. Was the fibromyalgia from Lyme disease and the co-infections? Seasonal allergies with asthma and eczema plus psoriasis because itching is fun. High cholesterol and cataracts before I hit 40. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and interstitial cystitis (IC), fortunately not at the same time, but was either condition from non-celiac gluten sensitivity? Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome from years of toxic mold exposure, along with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). Dysautonomia, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), depression, and then of course generalized anxiety disorder, because who wouldn’t be anxious after all of this?!
This is WHY I chose to learn Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®. I was tired of having too many symptoms that were just leading to lots of questions that didn’t seem to have any answers. I learned how to help myself and my family, and I can help you learn how to do the same. If you are as committed to the process as I am you can find out how to address your symptoms and support your genetic weak links. It’s all about education, not medication!
Contact me to learn how I can help you have better health by using lab assessments tailored to your symptoms and budget!