Why do you run so many functional health labs?

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That is a question I get a lot.  Quite simply, the only way to get a complete look at someone’s health from a functional perspective is to run a series of lab assessments.  Every area of the body is connected, if you try to isolate just one system you might experience temporary benefits in that system, but the other parts that are stressed will still be there, causing problems until they are addressed.  

Unfortunately, there is no one “perfect” lab test that gives us all the data we need to take an objective look at what is going on with your health.  Some markers are best assessed by urine (in a cup or on collection paper) others with stool, blood, or even hair. During our initial complimentary consult we will identify which parts of your metabolism to assess and set up a plan, choosing the best labs for your unique situation.

I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose or treat any specific disease, I do not look at one lab marker and treat that independently, that would be a diagnosis, and if that worked you would already be feeling better by now. I identify areas in the metabolism that are stressed and teach you how to rebuild your health.  When we select and run several labs at the same time, I get to look at snapshots of multiple parts of your metabolism, then I correlate the data with the symptoms you are experiencing and you get to work on everything simultaneously. 

Contact me for a complimentary consult to learn which labs can help you learn what areas of your body need help!