“Wait… you want me to WHAT?!?”
This is the most common response when I introduce a client to stool testing. Yes, it is a little gross and weird. But, it is the most effective way to examine your gut for many common pathogens, bacteria, H-Pylori, microbes, and parasites. Some of it belongs there, most of it does not, and we need to know if something in your gut is overwhelming your metabolism and making you feel lousy. The GI Map also gives up a look at many intestinal health markers which can identify how your immune system is doing, how well your digestion is working, and even if you are possibly reacting to gluten (many gluten issues have non specific symptoms).
When you have had environmental toxin exposures such as mold or EMF, your immune system gets busy trying to deal with those and does not have the energy necessary to deal with the other things that do not belong there. The environmental toxins can put out the welcome mat for all kinds of things that can give you digestive distress, sleep disturbances, and more.
The GI Map stool sample is collected in the privacy of your own home, which is a good thing, because let’s be honest… most people prefer to poop at home. After you collect the sample, you package it as instructed and drop it off with a prepaid shipping label so you don’t have to hang out at FedEx while the nice clerk tries to be friendly and ask you what you have in the envelope. You can read more about it on the GI Map page.
Contact me to learn if getting the scoop on your poop with the GI Map will help you!