EMMA and ERMI and Mold Plates, Oh My!

mold on wall

“There are so many different types of mold tests, does it matter which one I run?”

Yes… and no.  The biggest factor in choosing which mold test to run depends on what your objective is.  Just like with functional health labs, there is no one perfect mold test.  Each one will have plusses and minuses dependent on individual situations.  

The ERMI is a hot topic right now.  You can order one yourself and it comes with a plethora of information.  The ERMI test looks for the most common molds caused by water damage, and because you are collecting a dust sample you get an idea of the history of water damage for the building.  It is very simple to collect the sample, you don’t need any special equipment.  The biggest problem comes with how the data is interpreted. There are new sites popping up every day with offers of cheap ERMI explanations.  All I can say is you will most frequently get what you pay for.  Not all molds are equal in their toxicity, and how you collect your dust samples does matter.  

The EMMA is a great test if you are having health issues and want to know what mycotoxins (toxic mold byproducts) are in your home.  It is very easy to collect the sample, even more so than the ERMI, it requires professional interpretation to make sure you are fully understanding what you are dealing with.  This one is fantastic to use alongside functional labs that check the urine for mycotoxins and other fungal byproducts.  The only possible downside is that it does not look at everything, like all labs it is a snapshot.  But it is a great snapshot with a lot of actionable information.  That means when we get the results we will know what to work on.  

Mold plates are the least expensive option in mold testing.  They can tell you a limited number of types of mold you may have at that point in time in that area.  The samples collected are dependent on a bunch of variables you can’t control, like the air flow around and the amount gathered.  You might only capture one spore on the plate and it can proliferate into many spores on the plate, possibly making things seem worse than they are.  Or conversely, you might have the plate in the wrong part of the room and not collect anything at all.  There are reliable ways to use them though, such as for seeing if furniture is possibly contaminated, or by strategically placing many of them in a room in question.  The mold plates can be a great start for someone who is living / working with a person that is having a hard time believing that there is a mold problem since they are so inexpensive, but I would always recommend a more thorough inspection before any remediation was attempted.  

When you decide to work with us, we can help you determine which type of mold testing is best for your situation.  We can help you order your labs or help you interpret the ones you already have.  Contact us today to get started!